Sunday, January 6, 2008

Off to AZ

Mom, Dad & I are off to Arizona. 10 days in the car, (here and back). Needless to say the I-Pod is charged and loaded!! We are going for a memorial dedication for my cousin Greg. He worked for Salt River Project and they are dedicating a new substation in his honor. He did lots of great things, all anonymously. Lots of good people in my family!! I've got quilting, reading and i-pod, plus my Dad starts driving around 4-5:00 AM!!! I'll be asleep until 8:00, so yes I'm bringing sweats, lots of sweats!! Hopefully, the weather will cooperate!! I'm not up to speed on travel blogging, so I may not post til I get back, around the 17th. So to my huge fan base, see ya soon!!
Lili's pink Converses

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