Saturday, March 31, 2007

Emergency Room Night Out Well, after spending the whole day out and about doing Sisters in Service stuff, I came home to a very sick cat. Starbucks was napping when I left in the morning, and when I came home he was still in the same spot (not entirely unusual for this cat). I picked him up, that's when he growled at me, was very lethargic, and had sticky goop all over a back paw and he was limping. Off to the emergency vet we went since his normal vet had already closed for the weekend. Of course, I was crying, this cat is like a child to me. After sedation, pain meds and x-rays he had a very deep puncture wound on his paw. So we have lots of different antibiotics and halo collar on his head. He growled all night at me, I slept with him, while Ken slept in another room. Ken was so wonderful; he knows how I am with my animals. Bogie thinks he's the nurse! He tries to lick Starbucks' ears still with the collar on! And the poor cat can't get thru his cat door! We have three days of this until he goes back to the vet for a follow-up. That was our entertainment for Friday night!! I'm working on an Easter wall hanging, yeah nothing like the last minute!!The pollen this year has been horrible. I even saw a bit on CNN where it's really bad in Atlanta too. The animals come in from outside with yellow paws all over the hardwood floors and a red leather couch!! But the results are awesome flowers so far. The dogwoods, the wisteria, the cherry trees are just amazing!!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Tipsey Chefs

Went to a Pampered Chef party last night, (I hear you all groaning). There were 38 people, husbands and wives, tons of food and yes I signed up to do a party in June, just catalog though. Jim and Becky, our hosts, are wild and crazy, well Jim is really the CRAZY one. He's an artist/blue grass musician/entrepreneur. He does beautiful water color paintings, travels the south for Blue Grass (he plays several instruments) and then has his own furniture company that does furniture for schools. Becky is the publicity chick for the State Agriculture Commission, which means she really does a ton of things!! We had flank steak, rice that had so many other ingrediants in it you barely saw the rice (including rum soaked raisens) and these wonderful appetizers that had a shrimp marinade over a cream cheese mixture. Then two desserts and lots of booze and wine. Needless to say the Pampered Chef lady made a killing!! Ken and I are both horse this morning from laughing so much! This is our picture that we have of Jim's, it just came back from the frame shop. Love all of his colors!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bogie went to the vet today to get his Kennel Cough shot updated. He's in dire need for a haircut and the groomer requires Kennel Cough every 6 months. He didn't like it, but was his usual cutsie self with the staff. Now he can get a hair cut!!

This is Kevin, our trainer. He and I decided that maybe since I'm sooo sore from yesterday, I need more of the boot camp classes. So... starting Monday, I'm doing one a week and then my regular training with him on Thursdays. Ugh...
Every muscle (or lack thereof) hurts today!! Since I'm not one to complain, life goes on!!
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Went to Bible Study, very good today. We are still doing John, in Chapter 15 now, really a good one. Also went to a new gym class today called "Boot Camp". My trainer Kevin teaches it also, needless to say he about killed me. I left the hour class after 35 minutes, he stretched me out, then I have to be back at the gym at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow for my regular session. Ugh, Ambien, here I come!! I'll get a picture of Kevin tomorrow. He just turned 30, a professional body builder, participates in Strongman competitions and he is miracle of science. He eats garbage all day long and beats the guys that eat soy and protein until it comes out of their ears!! Really a nice guy. So, I'm off to bed to rest up for tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Easter Vest with my "puffy" rabbits is finished. I did binding on the arm holes with different fabrics that I used in the rabbit's jackets. It's lined with easter fabric that I bought several years ago. I got lots of compliments on it today. We went to the fabric store in Charlotte (Gastonia, really). My stash that I bought today is the other picture. I actually bought many yards of blue and white fabric, but that's for a project for Sisters in Service, so I don't count that as fun stuff to play with!! Mom went with us and she actually helped Julie and I both pick great colors!! All in all a great day, traffic wasn't too bad, about a 2 hour drive each direction. Fun, fun, fun!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

This artist dyes on velvet, her name is Polly Apfelbaum, her style has been compared to Jackson Pollock. She had one piece titled Blossom at MoMA. It was amazing and her colors are amazing!!

Some favorite shots of Paris. We spent Christmas in Paris (12/24/06-01/03/07) Mighty cold, temp hovered around 28 degress everyday! But we still managed to make it very interesting and romantic. We stayed in the Latin Quarter, won't do that again, very noisy! and traveled by Metro everywhere except the airports. On Jan 1st, Ken's passport was stolen at the airport, in order to make a very long and agonizing two days short, we got a temporary passport at the American Embassy and flew home on the 3rd. All in all, a wonderful trip filled with great memories.

I made two dresses (just alike) for Kaitlyn and Emma and then their little baby cousin got a Easter overalls. The girls love their dresses, they think they are Easter Princesses, but of course they are!!

My favorite pictures at MOMA. Lili and I spent Sunday here, after brunch at Tavern on the Green!

Lili (June 06) on her way to her Prom. She was the prettiest one there, of course. Some how Bogie got into the picture too!!

Ken had Bogie's St Patrick's Day hat ready to go and I had to approve it early since Lili and I were going to be in New York that day. New York was wild, we heard people coming into our hotel room until the wee hours of the morning. We saw a smidge of the parade, but keep in mind it was 28 degrees and we southern ladies were cold!!
I'm just learning this blog thing, stumbling my way through it, so please have patience with me! We have so much pollen in the air right now you can actually see it floating!! Starbucks is turning green before our eyes! He looks like he belongs on the sci-fi channel!! Bogie's paws are green from stepping in dew then pollen. Ken rinsed the deck and our cars off yesterday, all of which now is covered in green again!! We checked the weather, no rain in sight for 5 days. This means inside activities only!! We did take the boat out yesterday afternoon, went to a local dining spot and had dinner with two other couples. Today, just sewing. I'm making an Easter Vest. Trying to perfect my quilting/creating skills.

This is Starbucks last year at Easter. He had to be involved in the decorating process, he loves to play with Easter grass. Starbucks was the color of coffee with cream when he was a kitten, now he's pretty much black with flecks of white on his tail and some paws. He weighs about 12 lbs and is very mellow and very much of a lover!

This is Bogie - our Maltese. He's almost 2 years old, and very much a part of this family! His morning routine is to be lifted to our bed, kiss both of us, then go back to sleep. Usually Starbucks can hear us moving about, so he gets in the act. Ken says our household used to be Sex and the City, now it's Animal Planet!!

Kaitlyn and Emma making Christmas cupcakes. They are in the Christmas overalls I made them. They adore them and look adorable in them! Aunt Julie is giving a tutorial on sprinkles. We found the easiest way for them to decorate was to dredge the top of the cupcakes into a plate of sprinkles. Needless to say it was raining sprinkles for days, (weeks and months really)