Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Wizard

Oh my gosh!! Kaffe Fassett is amazing in person too!! His lecture was a highlight of my quilting life!! He spoke off the cuff, no notes, just about his inspirations for his colors!! He mixed his knitting and quilting (patchwork as he calls it). He'd show a picture of something then how that picture evolved into a sweater and a quilt, a needlepoint pillow or tapestry or even a mosaic. He sees color in everything!! He had his new book, which I got autographed along with one of my others!! My Mom (she came with me) had a light jacket on that had stripes of all his colors (complete coincident, since she didn't know him at all) and he commented on it and touched it. She said she may never wash the jacket again. Even she was mesmerized by him, she's not a quilter or needle art person at all, but she found him very interesting and wonderful to listen to him get excited by the color!!

The wizard (way in the center with silver hair)

My second tribute to Kaffe (all his fabrics in the center of the blocks, his quilt like this one is on his next book coming out - now)

A quilt at the welcome center into North Carolina, I've always wanted to take a picture of it, now I have it. It's awesome!!

We are on our way to see the Gamecocks play (#6 in the nation people!!, thank you Steve Spurrier whom I don't like by the way!) then tomorrow a SIS BBQ fundraiser, then next Saturday our Halloween Party!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pet Wednesday

Bogie here. Mom has tote bags in the hallway and clothes hanging on the door handle, I think she's going somewhere!! We, Starbucks and I hate it when she's gone. Although, Starbucks hasn't a clue as to what is going on, he's still napping on Mom's bed!! I think he even has his paws covering his ears, so he sleeps longer and deeper!! Me, I haven't had my nap, I've been following Mom, she's keeps walking up and down the hallway. getting stuff together for her trip. Right now she's doing the chargers, phone, camera, ipod. Why do humans need all that stuff?? She just told me she's off to a quilt lecture in Asheville, going to see some guy who she says is a genius, Kaffe Fassett, or something like that!!

Yes, folks I'm off to see the Wizard, the Fabric/Quilter Wizard that is!! I'm so excited!! Staying the night, because going over that mountain grade in the dark is so not fun!! Be back tomorrow!! Ok, Bogie you can have the keyboard back!!

Ok, so what are we to do while she's gone?? ummm.... I know dig in the lake bed, there's all kinds of dead fish smells down there, dead clams too, ummm... good smells. I've already been down there this morning, got mud all over my face and paws, or so Mom says. I don't feel dirty to me!!

More from the Fury People next week!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Farm Auction

Went to a farm auction yesterday, where they auctioned off 35 1920's & 1930's handmade quilts!! Went for big bucks!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

We have a Winner

My quilt wont 2nd place at the state fair!!! I'm so excited!! This is the first time I've ever entered anything like this and I won!! Wow, what a big head I have now!!! I'm a winner, got to go folks and quilt!!

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A word from the wise

Mom says we can help on her blog!!! This is Bogie typing, Starbucks' paws are too fat! She said we can contribute to her blog on Wednesday, so Wednesday is Fury People Day from now on!! Starbuck says good morning, even though he's outside on the deck. It finally rained last night, so when Starbucks takes his nap on the corner of the railing his fur gets wet from the damp wood. Then he sits there a licks himself for hours!! Me, I get dirty, and once a week Dad takes me in the shower and I get a bath, which I just hate. Mainly, because Dad somehow manages to get water up my nose every time!! I do go to the groomers too to get a bath and a hair cut about once a month. Mom & Dad say I'm high maintenance because I'm all white, I think they should let me be the hound dog I want to be. Oh, oh, here comes Mom, she's going to see what I wrote and get mad!! Umm,,,, she said I could leave it and suggested I tell you how Starbucks and I got our names. Me,, well I'm a Maltese and my real name is Bogart for Humphrey Bogart in the Maltese Falcon, Bogie for short. Starbucks....well, when he was a tiny baby (before my time) he was the color of coffee with creme, thus the Starbucks. But as a full grown 14 lb cat, he's almost solid black now, but the Starbucks stayed. I'll tell you some more funnies about us next week. Starbucks and I are best friends even though the cat is bigger than me and sometimes gets irritated with my excited moods, he tolerates me. During the day if Mom is gone, we often nap together, we keep each other warm!! Bye for now from the boys, Bogie and Starbucks

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

All straight lines

My first try at a Nancy Crow style. I used mostly all my own hand dyes, I tried to use all straight geographical shapes. I was going to put a waving shape right in the middle but chickened out. I'm going to quilt it use straight lines within the separate colors, using tone on tone colors.

SC State Fair Update: didn't win, but I'm not discouraged, I like my stuff, so maybe somewhere someone else does.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Halloween Quilt 2007

Pieced this whole Art Quilt while Ken was one the phone with technical support switching our outlook account over to the new computer!! And I'm not a fast piecer!! This is just a quickie with some of my cross stitch as the center for my house. Really like how it turned out, maybe I'll be a great quilter someday!!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Tommy's Bella has nothing on our sweet Bogie. He's starting to do better in the car seat, I love it!! We did some errands just around Chapin, and he relaxed by the end of our journey.
Here's one scene from Halloween Central. These are one of the two bookcases on either side of the fireplace. I have all my Dept 56 on cake plates and/or domes. I love it like this. Come to our Halloween party to get the full effect!!

Today is the day I hear about my results from the submission to the State Fair! My first art quilt. We shall see. Plus I'm going to see Kaffe in 11 days, oh my gosh, so much pleasure for one person, how lucky am I!!
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hairspray vs. Quilting

I got my hair cut!! Watch out Tommy and Victoria Beckham!! I was so inspired by Posh Spice, but alas; I have three double chins and really fat cheeks and no chin bone to speak of, so.... I have to be very careful on my length so my face doesn't look even fatter or more bloated!! It really looks like Katie Holmes but a tad longer!! Plus I am a year or two older than those girls!!

I turned in my first ever art quilt to the State Fair!! I feel so very cool, sort of like all the ladies I stalk out there in blog land, now I am officially a quilt contest participant (maybe not a winner, but at least a participant!)