Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Tiny Setback!!

Well... I spent Thursday in the Emergency Room. I started my morning at the gym, just like any normal Thursday. I did my workout with my trainer, then did some more mileage on the treadmill. I was really winded and "tingly" after the treadmill, so I sat for a minute until I could get my breath. Well, it went down hill from there. I got really "tingly" everywhere and my hands and feet started drawing up like lobster claws. Then my face started it too, I could hardly talk, couldn't form my mouth (now that's bad, when we can't talk!) So, they gym people called my parents, only a mile down the road, they were going to come get me and I was going to rest up at their house, then go home. Well, by the time they came, the dr at the gym, said call an ambulance, my pulse was really weak and he was afraid I was having a stroke. (not to mention all my normal heart issues!) So..... after an ekg, cat skan, blood work, pee test, yada, yada, it was determined that I was extremely low on electrolytes and potassium. I now need to take Gatorade to the gym, not just plain water. So.... untold thousands of dollars and hours later, they sent me home. The only lasting effect is I'm sooooo very weak!! All my energy has been depleted from my system. I get winded just walking down the hall or up to the mailbox. And the very worst part is I've missed my hair appointment, now everybody is going to know how much gray hair I really have!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


My sweet babies taking in a little sun!! Crisp air but beautiful sun!! (a lot of pollen too!) I'm land locked - my car is getting a monumental inspection, so no flitting around for me. My "One Fish, Two Fish" is in the mail. It's recipient snuck a peak on my blog. She tells me she never gets on the computer at home as too much time is spent in cyper space at work. Sure, like I believe that, she's already seen her surprise!! Well, she has a few more sercies coming with the quilt!!

Final Shot!! One Fish, Two Fish

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Channeling Suess

My Friend that is having twins at age 46, her first baby(!!) is having a birthday next week. She's doing the nursery in fish....sooo.....

I still have to put buttons on for the eyes, but it's mainly done. It needs a label on the back too.

The back has lily pad fabric with bright accents, the purple represents me, my favorite color. The girl and I have been friends since the 4th grade, so the wall quilt is also filled with love!!

It started as this: It's all my hand dyes and some stenciling of the letters. My techniques are just about perfect in this one, I'm getter better!!

While I'm sewing, Conchetta is cleaning and Bogie is trying to defend his food bowl from her!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm Back!!

My sarcasm is in full swing, I must feel better!!! My whole family hates my sarcasm, but me, I love it!! I laugh at my own diggs!! Weird, yes, but I still love me!!

Pollen Headaches

Beautiful Spring is coming!! Love the Crepe Myrtles, love the Pear Trees, Love the Azaleas, Love the Dogwoods!! Hate the sinus headaches!! My head /face has been ready to explode for 2-1/2 days!! My eyes are so swollen!! I feel like I've been crying for days, but it's just sinus and yes I've taken sinus meds. It just doesn't help!! My house is a wreck!! Thank goodness we aren't doing Easter here!! I need time to put my house back together!!

This isn't our yard, but this is what the whole state looks like for about two weeks!! Starting now!! Lucky us, unlucky heads that suffer from the pollen!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rainy Days and Wednesdays get me down!

My sister Julie has issues with her co-workers. Let's just say she hates office politics and sometimes her attitude needs adjusting - not saying she's wrong or right or that the others are wrong or right. Everybody needs adjusting from time to time!! My husband found a book for her called "how to get along with your co-workers". She loves it, now if someone would write - "how to get along with your family"!!! Whoever writes it owes me a finder's fee!! Anyhow, I'm working on one fish two fish. Pictures to follow after the recipient receives it!!I've got some netflix's and I'm settled for the morning. It's rainy here anyhow.

Man oh man did we have the weather Saturday night. A little town called Branchville, is pretty much flat. We've eaten at The Churn (gone now) after kayaking, another town Bath (never heard of it) is pretty flat, and lots of damage in Elgin, on the east side of Columbia. Us, we hardly had any wind - some people had hail here, we didn't. The sky changed colors so many times and in such short amount of time!! It went from purple to grey, to bright white during one commercial section of the Top Chef show!! It was freaky!!

Bogie's watching netflix too!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Blue Lagoon

Here are some of my underwater shots from Jamaica! Not very good, but it proves that I was there!

That's a big fish!!! My sweet husband!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Easter on Parade!

I've been working on this, hand dyed, center section is hand painted, and machine quilted. It's not perfect, but I did do my corners better. I'm of the school, get it done, even if it isn't perfect. My seams are all 1/4 inch, and that part is done right. I'm honing my skills, I want to get on etsey pretty soon!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pics abound

Sounds like a lot of people had problems with pics on blogger. So I'll try today.

Lili and Brielle getting ready to ParaSail!!

The girls with one of their new found friends!

Bougainvillea - plants as tall as houses (our type of houses, not theirs)

A group of houses behind the craft market (which was imported from India and China t-shirts)

The tranquility of the island is fabulous - a sunset from our beach!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Back to Reality

Well...... I'm back in the US, no more food prepared for us, no more lovely umbrella drinks, no more beautiful sandy beaches, no more reading in the middle of the day, no more looking at older, fatter sun burnt women with no tops!!
The Europeans are so much more freer (sp ?) with their bodies than us US citizens. Me, I had a one piece on, an athletic skirt over my big fat bottom, then when I left the beach I had a huge cover up on!! Ken said I needed to loosen up, me I feel a little left to the imagination is a good thing. Plus 46 year old skin that is starting to sag is just not pretty no matter what country you are from!!
We had a lovely time - the girls were delightful!! We giggled with them a lot, Brielle is adorable and so good for Lili, she loosens Lili up too!!
We stayed at Riu Negril. It was an all-inclusive resort. Apparently this is a big thing with the
Europeans, me I had never heard of such a thing. I was like being on a cruise, they feed you, they house you, they fulfill your liquid desires and you pay one price. The girls got massages, that was extra and Ken and I snorkeled one day, that was extra, otherwise all was paid for. Jamaica - no don't get mad at me if any of my "huge" fan base is Jamaican, but that island is dirty!! The people are so poor - granted I only saw from Montego Bay west to Negril (about an hour -and a half van ride each way but the trash 0n the side of the roads, was horrible. I would think for the sake of their economy which is based hugely on tourism, the government would make the citizens keep it clean. But whatever, we had a great time, but I would never venture out of a resort area if we go back. The people seemed to be so lovely, so happy and carefree, everything is "yea mon" Nobody is hurried about schedules or deadlines, maybe that has something to do with the readily available drug culture!! Ken was asked a few times if he needed any - he and I did venture into the Negril craft market. It rained so hard that the water in the street came up to my knees and let me just say this water was not CLEAN by any means!! Did I say we had a good time, we did - stay in a resort!! Maybe I am too uptight, naw, I'm perfect just like I am!!

Blogger is not taking my pictures, you just have to wait on those!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Jamaica Baby!

Gone to Jamaica - back on Saturday 3/8/08
I'll be sipping umbrella drinks, toasting to all of you!!