Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Record Heat AGAIN

We can't leave the house hardly, it's sooo hot. Thank goodness when our a/c went out last week, they fixed it the very next day!! 2 weeks of 100 or better predicted!! The Starbucks and Bogie just lay around, it's so hot. Starbucks usually manages to get his big furry body on top of an a/c vent and just lays there. I've included a pic of my regress into cross stitch. I just can't make linen look even!! How do these other ladies do it??

One is going to be a witch picture, the other believe it or not is "home of the brave". My home is wiggily due to my uneven stitches, I'm trying!!

1 comment:

Suzie said...

the witch picture looks great! The Home of the Brave - well, like you said, it's a little wobbly! Practice makes perfect!