Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A word from the wise

Mom says we can help on her blog!!! This is Bogie typing, Starbucks' paws are too fat! She said we can contribute to her blog on Wednesday, so Wednesday is Fury People Day from now on!! Starbuck says good morning, even though he's outside on the deck. It finally rained last night, so when Starbucks takes his nap on the corner of the railing his fur gets wet from the damp wood. Then he sits there a licks himself for hours!! Me, I get dirty, and once a week Dad takes me in the shower and I get a bath, which I just hate. Mainly, because Dad somehow manages to get water up my nose every time!! I do go to the groomers too to get a bath and a hair cut about once a month. Mom & Dad say I'm high maintenance because I'm all white, I think they should let me be the hound dog I want to be. Oh, oh, here comes Mom, she's going to see what I wrote and get mad!! Umm,,,, she said I could leave it and suggested I tell you how Starbucks and I got our names. Me,, well I'm a Maltese and my real name is Bogart for Humphrey Bogart in the Maltese Falcon, Bogie for short. Starbucks....well, when he was a tiny baby (before my time) he was the color of coffee with creme, thus the Starbucks. But as a full grown 14 lb cat, he's almost solid black now, but the Starbucks stayed. I'll tell you some more funnies about us next week. Starbucks and I are best friends even though the cat is bigger than me and sometimes gets irritated with my excited moods, he tolerates me. During the day if Mom is gone, we often nap together, we keep each other warm!! Bye for now from the boys, Bogie and Starbucks

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