Sunday, July 13, 2008

Corny People!

This was our sunset last night!! It was a gorgeous night here on Lake Murray!! Jean cooked for Ruth and I (and the spouses) in return for helping her with her antique booth Friday!! We told her for those kind of wages, we'd help anytime. We did have a 30 minute conversation on the different ways to eat corn on the cob. Some eat like a typewriter, some eat round and round, some like me eat it very sporadically and leaving lots of goody still on the cob!! We cracked ourselves up with all this!!

This is my sweet little man, he's not moving this morning, ran his heart out last night and ate a pound of goose doo. He loves the stuff, now he has a very sour tummy!! Maybe he needs a beeno!! Poor guy!! I do have his Halloween costume thought out. It came to me in the middle of the night 2 nights ago. Picture this embroidered on a themed sewn outfit:

"a child's drawing of the Jacks game" + a bird = Jack Sparrow!!

He'll have a pirate hat with dreadlocks of course, and he already has a pirate collar!! He'll be the talk of the party. Of course, he never wins, because Pet Smart (where the parade and party are held) always picks animals that wear their costumes!! Who wants a store bought costume?? Yuk!! Bogie does usually win the crowd favorite though!! 2005 - Desperate House Dog, 2006 - Bogie's Anatomy (had a dr theme!!) and he wore a scrub!! 2007 - he didn't feel like participating!! 2008-Jack Sparrow!!


Suzie said...

You are corny! I eat corn on the cob like a typrewriter! Your nephew eats it round & round!

Anonymous said...

It is an amusing piece

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