Saturday, March 31, 2007

Emergency Room Night Out Well, after spending the whole day out and about doing Sisters in Service stuff, I came home to a very sick cat. Starbucks was napping when I left in the morning, and when I came home he was still in the same spot (not entirely unusual for this cat). I picked him up, that's when he growled at me, was very lethargic, and had sticky goop all over a back paw and he was limping. Off to the emergency vet we went since his normal vet had already closed for the weekend. Of course, I was crying, this cat is like a child to me. After sedation, pain meds and x-rays he had a very deep puncture wound on his paw. So we have lots of different antibiotics and halo collar on his head. He growled all night at me, I slept with him, while Ken slept in another room. Ken was so wonderful; he knows how I am with my animals. Bogie thinks he's the nurse! He tries to lick Starbucks' ears still with the collar on! And the poor cat can't get thru his cat door! We have three days of this until he goes back to the vet for a follow-up. That was our entertainment for Friday night!! I'm working on an Easter wall hanging, yeah nothing like the last minute!!The pollen this year has been horrible. I even saw a bit on CNN where it's really bad in Atlanta too. The animals come in from outside with yellow paws all over the hardwood floors and a red leather couch!! But the results are awesome flowers so far. The dogwoods, the wisteria, the cherry trees are just amazing!!

1 comment:

Suzie said...

Poor kitty! At least the halo is clear! The last time one of my kitties had one, the halo was white! The cats look more pathetic!