Thursday, November 29, 2007


Sometimes I have nothing to blog about for days, then other days, it's like wow, I could put that, that, and that on my blog. Today is one of those days.
Item #1, Genius for a Husband. We have one shower that drips, we've pulled the shower (all tile) apart, we've changed washers, we've done everything but replace the thing and it still drips. It's not the shower head, it's down in the pipes. Our house is on a hill and that bathroom is way far way from the ground, thus the longer than normal pipes. So, this morning Ken is pacing the house, in, out up and down the wall. He finally tells me I've solved the shower drip. This from out of the blue. I rigged (and I do mean rigged) that he cut and made one long piece of wire down the drain, now that water trickle runs down the hanger and doesn't fall so far down the pipe, thus the echoing drip noise is gone. Genius!!

Item #2, My parents are all a twiddle - no wish bone in this years turkey. Mom is pulling the tiny pieces off the carcus to make one more sandwich, no wish bone, what to do!!

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