Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rainy Days and Wednesdays get me down!

My sister Julie has issues with her co-workers. Let's just say she hates office politics and sometimes her attitude needs adjusting - not saying she's wrong or right or that the others are wrong or right. Everybody needs adjusting from time to time!! My husband found a book for her called "how to get along with your co-workers". She loves it, now if someone would write - "how to get along with your family"!!! Whoever writes it owes me a finder's fee!! Anyhow, I'm working on one fish two fish. Pictures to follow after the recipient receives it!!I've got some netflix's and I'm settled for the morning. It's rainy here anyhow.

Man oh man did we have the weather Saturday night. A little town called Branchville, is pretty much flat. We've eaten at The Churn (gone now) after kayaking, another town Bath (never heard of it) is pretty flat, and lots of damage in Elgin, on the east side of Columbia. Us, we hardly had any wind - some people had hail here, we didn't. The sky changed colors so many times and in such short amount of time!! It went from purple to grey, to bright white during one commercial section of the Top Chef show!! It was freaky!!

Bogie's watching netflix too!

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