Saturday, March 22, 2008

Channeling Suess

My Friend that is having twins at age 46, her first baby(!!) is having a birthday next week. She's doing the nursery in fish....sooo.....

I still have to put buttons on for the eyes, but it's mainly done. It needs a label on the back too.

The back has lily pad fabric with bright accents, the purple represents me, my favorite color. The girl and I have been friends since the 4th grade, so the wall quilt is also filled with love!!

It started as this: It's all my hand dyes and some stenciling of the letters. My techniques are just about perfect in this one, I'm getter better!!

While I'm sewing, Conchetta is cleaning and Bogie is trying to defend his food bowl from her!!

1 comment:

Susan Lenz said...

Thanks so much for your recent comment on my blog. It is always a special treat to find other fiber enthusiasts living near me! I do hope we can meet sometime in the near future. Perhaps you can come by for Artista Vista? It's next month here in Columbia. There's an annual evening with all the galleries staying open late on Thursday, April 24th. On Saturday, April 26th the event goes on all day. My studio is located at Gallery 80808/Vista Studios, 808 Lady Street. I'd love to meet you. By the way, your quilts are wonderful...your recent trip looked like lots of're an excellent underwater photographer...and I think your friend must be crazy to have children at her age (he,he! She has no idea what an adventure she's in for)....but the Dr. Seuss quilt is adorable!
Thanks so much!