Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ahh... Pet Smart we have a problem!!

We've had a medical emergency here at Bogie's house. His most beloved Hedgehog, blew a gasket and his entire inside's were strewn all over the living room this morning. Now, keep in mind Dad reads within inches of this event, and he said he never heard or saw anything!! Anyhow, my evening will be spent on Hedgehog surgery. We have a spare hedgehog, but it doesn't taste near good enough, and he's often ignored!

Well, the insides are on the outside, hmmm... surgery might be required.??

"I promise Mom, I didn't do it, but it sure was a great idea!"

This is the "fall back" Hedgehog, but doesn't have near enough dog koodies on it.

1 comment:

Suzie said...

Do you think Starbucks got to it? Or an over-zealous Bogie?