Monday, April 7, 2008

Sassy Settings

Working on my table for Sassy Settings. My women's civic group has a spring fundraiser that is an auction of themed tablescapes!! Fun, Fun. I'm doing a Halloween Table, last year I did Breakfast at Tiffany's - or rather Birthday at Tiffany's - I think it was by far the most original.
I made my own Tiffany Boxes, painted them, stenciled Tiffany on them, added them to flower wire and put them in a crystal vase with white tulips. My table cloth was "the blue" with white satin ribbon down the center as if a box. I had "diamonds" scattered all over the table (from the flower dept again). I used silver wedding favor trays for the seating cards, then the napkins were the same "blue" with diamond rings that you would use for a wedding shower as the napkin rings. I made chair covers out of white satin. It was very good!!
This year I'm going with vintage Halloween, black and orange. My center piece is going to be an elaborate candle obra that is black with crystals and I'm making three muslin dolls about 18 inches high dressed in vintage Halloween costumes (like the fabric I'm using for an apron) The dolls stand around the candle obra. I'm still looking for orange place mats. It's been fun!! This year I'm ahead of schedule and it's all coming together smoothly, (I hope I don't screw up!)

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