Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day to all!!
My Dad is a special Dad, anyone that can be the only man in a house of 4 women deserves cutos!! He never ever got upset about the extra hormone inbalance to his tiny little testosterone!! He did spend a lot of time in the garage when we were little. That was the time of CB radios and his caning chairs hobby. He had a frig and a tv out there too, and even a space heater when necessary. That was his haven!! 4 women (one wife, three daughters) and even a female dog for the last part of our growing up years!! Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!

Dad and Bogie

Now my sweet Ken, he's what you call an "enabler father", but it's only cause his heart is bigger than his brain!! He would walk on water (and usually does) for his kids!!! One day they will bend over backwards to thank him for all he has done for them. One day!!!

Happy Father's Day to Casey!! He's the Dad to be out in California to the new twins!! They (the twins) will be here about mid to late August!! So, again, Happy Father's Day Casey!! Keep working on those cribs!!

Micheline, Casey and the three dogs, soon to be joined by a little girl and a little boy!!

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