Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ice Machine Blues

We have this ongoing issue with our under the counter ice machine. Anyhow, after repair call #127 on Friday, I just a sent off a scathing letter to the repair shop and Kitchen Aid. Yes, it's not working again!! This machine has just been awful, after the other one that we had for 15 years and never had a service call. They don't make the size we had (our spot is narrow and we have very limited space) so we went with this machine, Kitchen Aid. Ugh.... I'm sure my neighbors think I'm having an affair with the appliance repair man, he's here so much, but no just service calls. I don't know what else to do, we just want ice without the hassle of noisy machine, hot cabinets, and empty ice trays!!
I have started my diet again today!! F-Factor, now I know what the F stands for!! I just had my yummy lunch, 1 cup of V-8 juice and 1 container (approx 3/4 cup) Dannon Fiber Crap Yogurt, mixed with 1/2 cup Fibre bran crap cereal. I get to have two fibre crackers with peanut butter or 20 peanuts for a snack. Hmmm. decisions, decisions.
Tonight we have a social for all the new SIS members, and I can't have wine!!! UGH!! But I need to lose 25lbs!!! All my pics from Israel reflect my gi-normous size!! So, it's the F-Factor for me. I heard about it on Marth's Radio Channel, so it can't be tooo bad, just lots of protein and fibre and real strict amounts for the first 2 weeks.

I have to get some stuff ready for the social. bye, think about me and all the fibre, hope we have a large stock of toilet paper!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why don't you just stick with eating lots of veggies & fruit, low carbs, low fat? Forget the fad diets.