Thursday, April 26, 2007

Another Manic Thursday

Going to the gym- haven't been in a week, ugh, it's going to hurt. Yesterday, I had my yearly physical, weight is still horrific (but hasn't changed in one year) but the nurse said I had grown one inch!! How do you grow an inch at 45. I haven't grown since I was in the 4th grade!! We did the measurement 3 times!! Of course, my blood pressure was up, my ekg wasn't so hot, but normal for me and my boobs are fibrous, even for me!! Guess what is the root of all of it, my beloved vanilla fraps!!! I know I can't have caffeine, but they are my only vice, I don't over-indulge in anything else, you would think I be allowed to have them, but NO. So, I've rededicated my life to no caffeine (again). I'm have sodium free v-8, weight watchers muffin and a protein bar for breakfast!! Plus Kevin, my adorable trainer and I are stepping up the cardio and Dr V raised my thyroid meds just a little to see if that won't jump start the weight loss again. My right ear also has fluid behind it, again. Not a good day at the drs!! So I think that calls for a fabric shopping trip!! Yippee!!
Ken says we might go kayaking again this weekend, yippee again. It's nice before the humidity sets in and the mosquitos can airlift you out of the kayak!
Off to do my crunches, I'll be sore tomorrow!!

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