Saturday, April 28, 2007

Fabric Dye 101

#1 Rule of Fabric Dye - remember to wear your gloves!! I have to go to a wedding shower tonight, and my hands look like I've been hanging out with vampires all day!! Going to clash with my lime and teal pants, I guess!! I'd have a picture here, but my nails are purely ugly, so you just have to take my word for it!! #2 Rule of Fabric Dye - don't make fun of those other "dying ladies" that have "dye rooms" or a "dye sink". I used to think that was overdoing the "hobby", but no longer. Thank goodness for stainless steel sinks!! Never thought I'd say that, and you must keep that bottle of bleach handy, luckily Ken isn't here to see the counter tops before I cleaned them!

I am dying gradual shades of red. My "Piece" art quilt is going to be reds. At least the vest that is going to act like the trial run is red, not sure what colors the real piece is going to be. I have four shades, and I used cheap dye from Hobby Lobby on my first try. I'm excited to see how they turn out. Theoretically, I will have four different shades!!

Back update - still hurts, but nurse Ken brought home some of the heat belts from CVS. I slept with it on, the box says that the heat packets stay hot for 8 hours, but I'm on hour 16 and they are still hot!! I did make my own coffee (decaf, soy and splenda connoction - NO CAFFEINE!), but I'm not up to running vacuums or doing laundry, fabric dying went ok!!

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