Thursday, May 3, 2007

Back & Ball

Back is back in action "poor action" that is. The drive to Beaufort and going to the gym hasn't helped. Ken wants me see his chiropractor (even if she is twelve). Bogie and Starbucks have been good nurses today. No extra animals, that's a plus!! I finished watching the queen!! That was a good movie!! I can't believe that's not Miss Elizabeth and instead Helen Miram, wow what a job she did!!

Bought more fabric do dye green now, see how it goes. I'm suppossed to volunteer tomorrow, but not sure if I'm up to bending up and down in a file room, maybe I'll go and get it over with! Then tomorrow night, the Admirals Ball, for the Irmo Navy. Keep in mind there is no water in Irmo, so therefore the Navy isn't needed and who knows who the Admiral is?? It's all an excuse for men to get together once a month and eat and drink. Anyhow, wives are invited tomorrow night, hope I have a sailor dress!!

Love my new pink crocs

1 comment:

Suzie said...

The ball sounds fun! Is it a dressy afair? I love the pink crocs too! Love the Beufort houses! My dream house!