Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Invasion of the Computer Snatchers!

They're Here!! Lili and Jenny are here for the summer, that means: dirty house all the time, trails of teenage girls everywhere!! I never knew a house could have so many wet towels and this is just the 3rd day!! They have stolen the computer, something about myspace?? Well, it's my space too!! Guess i'll be doing a lot of hibernating in my sewing room. Went to the chiropractor yesterday, back is worse than it was in the beginning!! She said something about finding an outlet for "your stress" I-pod here I come!! The girls have been fine, really, just lots of commotion and traffic, poor Bogie has been missing his naps, he has to keep up with the comings and goings and it's not always easy for a 8 lb person to follow them! Yesterday there must have been 12 kids out on the dock and the boat, they were fine and well behaved though! Ken said one of the boys is going into neurosurgery (sp?)! Lili, marry him!!

Posts my be fewer between, just depends on when I can get the computer!! They do start working at a restaurant on June 1, so that will help!

Found these on a blog of a blog, wouldn't they be cute in quilt form?????

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